Goodbye, Farewell

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. Things have been manic, including my return to the UK. Yes, its true, my trip of a lifetime is over and it is back to the grindstone. It seems like an age past when I was zipping around New York in a yellow taxi, or walking amongst the signing flurry of Gallaudet.

The challenge now is to try and parse the ‘nice’ from the ‘important’ and reduce all my experiences down to credible learning to share with the Deaf community and policy makers. I am really positive that much of what I have to say will be of use, and I hope that other organisations and individuals will be prepared to pick up some of the points of action. There is no way that one organisation alone can effect such system-wide change. This is a call to arms!

Deaf Unity has always been about forming partnerships and finding the right people to work together. I hope from this trip that some successful partnerships can be formed, outside of DU’s workings, to further share best practice and learning.

I guess all that is left to say is a massive THANK YOU to everyone who has assisted on this project and most importantly, the WCMT for funding such an amazing trip.

Keep your eyes and ears out for my report on my experiences and findings which should be ready in the next month or so. In the meantime, check out out site – – for more news and happenings.

Thanks for following!

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